dates, big matches and all information

The 2023/24 Serie A championship will last for a total of 280 days. That’s how much time passes between the first day and the last day. Here is the Serie A calendar with information on dates, big games and various timeouts.

Serie A 2023/24: calendar, dates and news

Serie A 2023/24 calendar: dates and information about the matches

It starts on the weekend of 19/20 August and ends the following 26 May. The 2023/24 Serie A championship will last for a total of 280 days, according to the Lega Serie A provisions and the calendar draw that was held recently. Compared to last season, there are news and confirmations and 4 stops for the national team (September 10, October 15, November 19 and March 24).

According to the accepted criteria, big matches are not possible on days 1 and 2, 38 and 19 due to a possible tie-up with the Super Cup final four. No big game even in the midweek round (6th) and the previous round. By big matches we mean the matches between Napoli, Lazio, Inter, Milan, Atalanta, Roma and Juventus. top 7 classified from previous championship.

The first direct clashes of a certain thickness begin from the third day (Inter-Fiorentina, Naples-Lazio, Rome-Milan). In the 4th round (16/9) there is the Inter-Milan Derby (September 16), whose return is 33rd (21/4). 13th place is Juventus-Inter, the Nerazzurri while traveling to Naples the next day. Derby d’Italia’s return is instead on day 23 (February 4).

Serie A, calendar and rights issue

From 2024/25, the outcome of the sale of TV rights is expected to be learned, while the broadcast will be the same for the 2023/24 season. Split between DAZN and Sky We saw that in the last championship. Football League is worried getting the most out of the productThe requirement for different days for derbies and the limitation of midweek overtime should be read in this sense.

Even the absence of big games for the first 2 days when the Italians are “still at sea” and the farewell of the Christmas holiday aims to find the maximum audience. Actually, Boxing Day will not return to Englishbut for the last day of the calendar year, it will be played on both December 30 and January 6, with a very interesting Juve-Roma schedule.

The turn between Mou and Juve is on the 35th, when bianconeri will return from their home match against Milan. Between Instead of the 13th and 15th months, there is a busy period for the Italian champions. Responsible: Napoli are expected to face Atalanta at Bergamo on 26 November, then against Napoli-Inter on 3 December and against Juventus-Napoli on 10 December. On December 12-13, there is the Champions League.

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