“Headlines” in sports: the problem of concussion

There are many studies showing the number of athletes who have contact-related problems, known as concussions, after retirement and the danger of these. Now let’s look at what this is and its consequences.

Why are concussions a problem in sports?

Sport is changing at a very high speed and concussion problem in sportsUnfortunately, it plays a not-so-secondary role in this change. The risks of what is called a concussion in medical terms are actually increasingly higher in many of the sports disciplines most loved by enthusiasts.

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs after a blow to the head. The brain sees the results of this lesion and this is the most important point, a surgery is performed. Functional change in operational structure. Therefore, the brain structure does not change, but in very strong blows, the brain remains injured in some way, just like a scar remains on the skin after a deeper cut.

sports concussions

Concussions in sports

Just like a wound, these bumps can be treated without long-term effects if isolated and managed in a timely manner and with a specific medical protocol. But differently, when they become permanent and are not even monitored medically, can develop into long-term diseasesAffecting the overall functionality of the brain. The clear and immediate symptoms of a concussion are obvious; These include loss of consciousness, significant disorientation, and difficulty walking and coordination.

In the 1990s, particularly in rugby and boxing, only hits that caused fainting or (or concurrent) memory loss were classed as concussions. But today There are nearly thirty criteria It includes symptoms that were never even considered a few years ago, such as irritability, nausea, inability to concentrate and changes in heart rate.

At least this is so, although the debate in the world of sports activities has not yet reached the depth to definitively root out the problem. I’m starting to talk about a phenomenon something that he has and could have now and, more importantly, in the not too distant future. A tremendous impact on the lives of professional athletes.

Changes in the rules, investments in research, attention to the use of the latest technologies designed to limit the rates of head injuries are important elements of a discussion that should increasingly gain priority among all sports federations.

In fact, concussions in sports have been underestimated for too long, obscuring the obvious correlations between concussions and concussions. Head impacts and brain injuries suffered by athletes long-term, is now widely accepted by dozens of studies.

It is the athletes (those most affected by the problem, as it concerns their health) who break the curtain of silence behind the effects of concussion, and not only those who can play a decisive role in solving the problem. but also transforming disciplines a situation where athletes are more exposed to possible brain trauma.

The danger of underestimating concussion

It is necessary to allocate more resources to research and to investigate in more detail how brain diseases occur. chronic traumatic encephalopathyIt develops from accidental violent incidents during sports activities.

Moreover, scientists are looking for a way to develop some form of science. brain blood testa test that allows a brain scan that can confirm the presence of a concussion: this result is expected to be available within a few years.

The main problem with concussions in sports is actually avoiding them but also recognizing them. The brain is a very sensitive organ. and is sensitive enough to be easily damaged. Unfortunately, blows can cause damage, the depth of which sometimes cannot be verified until the time of autopsy, and unfortunately, there are already many tragic cases of athletes developing brain diseases shortly after their retirement, leading to their death.

Numerous scientific papers have found a correlation between multiple concussions and one concussion. greater likelihood of cognitive impairmentIn addition to increasing the risk of anxiety and epilepsy, it also increases the risk of diseases such as senile dementia, Parkinson’s disease and ALS. The most well-known example of an athlete who had to struggle with a brain disease due to the blows he received is Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer of all time.

Therefore, in short, sports boxing, rugby, ice hockey and even football (we are considering limiting the titles) they need to reinvent themselves, come up with new rules and protocols that protect the safety of athletes without any buts or buts.

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