White Paper on the eSports sector presented in Parliament

The White Paper on eSports and gaming, an industry first for Italy, was presented in the Parliament on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. The document was introduced and prepared by OIES in collaboration with 70 experts.

eSports and gaming: here is the first White Paper

Points of the first Italian Technical Report on e-Sports

Italian eSports Observatory OIES had announced this for a long time and finally did it. On Tuesday, October 10, The first Italian Technical Report on eSports and gamingIt is a document of approximately 300 pages containing suggestions for the promotion of the competitive video game industry in our country. The summary is 10 points/suggestions which we have listed below.

1) request for special regulation; 2) end-of-career plans for professional players; 3) promote greater inclusion of the women’s community; 4) game education in schools; 5) inclusion of the game in the school curriculum; 6) infrastructure for national and international competitions; 7) special purpose fiscal measures; 8) recognize video games as an art form; 9) suitable for new technologies; 10) support independent video game developers.

These 10 recommendations are merely the result of a major internal debate involving OIES in ca. 70 experts and operators in the industry, in an admirable attempt to put aside various interests and form a common front. Everyone had their say, highlighting critical issues and formulating recommendations that were later developed by the team of Luigi Caputo, president of the Italian E-Sports Observatory.

What is the future of eSports in Italy?

in that presentation of the document 5 Star Movement MPs also attended and made a speech. Valentina Barzotti and Antonio Caso. The existence of the M5S is not a coincidence; as M5S has long embraced possible regulation of eSports in the hope of wider spread.

In addition to M5S MPs, “VIPs” connected to the world of eSports were also present at the presentation of the White Paper: Giorgio “Pow3r” CalandrelliThe most followed broadcaster in Italy with 4.6 million followers, spread across various social channels. Among those present were European eFootball champion Giorgia Casciaroli and Atalanta eSports professional Nicolò “Insa” Mirra.

What will happen now? Of course, the White Paper should be seen as a starting point, not a destination. He knows it well too Luigi Caputo, founder and CEO of OIESPleased with the great work to collect all offers “from below”, but also aware of the great commitment given to the entire sector.

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