Article 15 of the Authorization Law brings important changes in the gaming industry.

Law 111 of August 9, 2023 confirms the privilege and authorization system on which the online gaming world is based in Italy and strengthens the commitment to security.

All news about online games presented by the Financial Committee

The approval in Article 15 of the Tax Reform Delegation Law No. 111 published in the Official Gazette dated 14 August 2023 brings important news for the online gaming world in Italy. Firstly, validates the basic model of the administrative system Regulating online casinos and betting companies operating in Italy: concessions, licenses and authorizations continue to form the basis of the industry management mechanism.

It is important to underline the new interest in positioning registered offices in the region in the context of entrepreneurial dynamics, the text whose legislative process will be integrated within two years with the legal devices attached to it. from operators. Pressure on the owners’ curriculum tooIntegrity and legality attributes will need to be even more pronounced. The text also includes a renewed commitment to the licensing and organization of the sector by central and local institutions, as well as innovations in the financial part.

Article 15 of the Financial Committee on gambling reform

The rules for acquiring authorizations, the entire regulatory block where security checks are carried out, and the disciplinary aspect of tax payment will be strengthened. Likewise, organizations that document the regularity of bets, software and slot machines will have more responsibility and therefore have to pay more attention to documenting the regularity of the machines. Each device must be controlled individuallyWith a scalar mechanism that absolutely guarantees the immutability of the analyzed machine.

In the text, it is emphasized once again that it will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to prepare a report in the coming months. plan against illegal online gambling. The anticipated timing includes the annual hearing, which will be reported to the two Departments of the Italian economy ministry and should detail the current status of the entire sector.

New protections for a safer game

Some of the most important innovations in Article 15 of the Fiscal Delegation deal instead with protecting players considered to be in a situation of greater vulnerability, focusing specifically on actions that could worsen this situation. prevent any pathological effects related to online games. In fact, one of the key points of the text concerns the maximum effort that institutions and operators are willing to make to prevent minors from accessing online games. In this sense, working on both technical and disciplinary measures is considered decisive by the new law in order to avoid illegal games and to protect players who are considered in a more sensitive category.

Combating pathological gambling and preventing minors from accessing entertainment platforms are considered as two important elements of the text. From this perspective, the new measures envisage: both reduce the maximum bet amount maximum values ​​of victory. With the new training tasks for platforms, people involved in the provision of services also need to be very cautious.

Following Article 15 of the Financial Authorization Law dated August 2023 It can also be seen how to strengthen self-exclusion systems from casinos and bookmaker platforms that operators already have to envision today. In this sense, a record will be created All pathological gamblers will, at their request, register of their own free will and automatically exclude them from accessing any gaming portal.

Again, in order to reduce the risk of gambling for minors, the possibility of betting on sports events involving amateur athletes under the age of 18 will be prohibited. The dissemination of gaming activities, advertising and communication methods will also have to be much more careful. do not forward dangerous messages is considered somewhat attractive to minors and players in conditions of risk or risk.

In stark contrast to the infiltration of organized crime

Finally, a defining part of the new law focuses on combating criminal infiltration into the online gaming world. Transparency of topics License applicants will be subject to even more substantive consideration due to stringent identity checks and extensive research into third-party risks.

In this sense, funds, corporate organizations, investment groups, indirect capital investments are focused on and this area is completely cleared. candidate and the danger of money laundering. The indisputable identification of the owners at the head of the groups that manage the gaming platforms requiring licenses will be a further decisive step in the control activities carried out by the Italian institutions to ensure fair and responsible gaming.

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