EGBA happy with increase in responsible gambling messages

Claims and intentions are important, but data is increasingly important. Figures released by the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) point to an important change of direction for the European gaming industry.

EGBA: +20% for responsible gambling messages

EGBA and responsible play: this is the right direction

Verba volant, scripta manent, as it is said. The European gambling industry shows a good ability to question itself and adapt to the times. EGBA – European Gaming and Betting Association, a group that brings together the most important operators in the entertainment industry in the Old Continent for real money, went public. interesting facts about sustainability the entire industry.

about this data on responsible gambling messages sent to individual customers. A total of 45.5 million were sent in 2022, indicating an annual increase of 20%. The statement was made as part of the 3rd annual sustainability report by EGBA. In any case, a significant increase in a figure that is likely to grow even more.

When we dig deeper into the numbers, almost half (48%) of those 45.5 million messages are personalized, meaning reaction to real game behavior. This personalization represents an increase of up to 40% over the previous year and is an even stronger sign of operators’ intent to have a safer industry.

Pioneer Italy, but with common sense

Undoubtedly, Italy played an important role in this change in sensitivity. protecting the most fragile and vulnerable subjects. Although discussions on the subject have been going on for years in various countries such as England, France and Belgium, it was the first measure to restrict advertising to the game in Italy. But something has changed since then.

The move of the previous two governments with the M5S in the saddle, very punitive approach to the industryAn approach of the Melony government denied his intention, but not exactly. The announced reform of the gaming industry represents the desire to mediate between the need for more social protection on the one hand and the protection of the industry on the other.

It seems that “sustainability” has become the motto of the public gaming industry in Italy as well as in Europe. In addition, EFBA General Secretary Maarten Haijer is convinced of this and said he is enthusiastic about the commitment. all European operators towards a sustainable approach game. Therefore, the imperative direction seems to be the direction of an industry that is fully aware of its social responsibility.

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