Lottomatica Group acquires Ricreativo B: green light from AGCM

AGCM – Competition and Market Guarantor Authority – has given the green light to the latest major coup in the Italian gaming market: the acquisition of the Emilian company Ricreativo B by the Lottomatica Group.

Lottomatica-Ricreativo B: OK from AGCM

AGCM approves Lottomatica-Recreativo B agreement

October 2 was an important day for the balance of the Italian gaming market. In fact, the bulletin of the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority AGCM was eagerly awaited, more precisely, by both parties interested in one of the most important agreements signed in 2023: Ricreativo B and Lottomatica Groupthe latter acquired the Emilian company.

The green light has come from AGCM, so the acquisition can be considered final. The authority’s opinion was important because these acquisitions led to concentrations according to antitrust legislation. The second provides that the obligation to communicate exists in the following cases: total turnover of two companies It exceeds €492 million, and at least one of the two amounts to more than €30 million. Both conditions were met.

Therefore, the green light was given to the acquisition, which enriches the Lottomatica Group, especially in the AWP and VLT equipment sector, which represents Ricreativo B’s core business in terms of both the rental and management of cinemas, Through the brand “Macau”. The latter also exists as a remote gaming franchisee, thus operating in the collection of bets both online and in physical establishments.

Lottomatica Group: possible effects of acquisition

Almost 3 years later Acquisition by GamenetGiving birth to the first Italian legal gaming operator and also expanding the real multinational gaming companyA new coup is coming. A coup that changed the balance until the AGCM made some statements on this issue.

AGCM addresses the following problem in its bulletin: possible conflict of interest It is related to the supply of AWP and VLT devices for which Lottomatica Group already has dealers. According to what has been determined, in all halls of Ricreativo B where the VLT concessionaire is not from the Lottomatica Group, the Lottomatica Group will not be able to replace him by installing his own VLT devices.

This provision, which only provides for the termination of the contract or its termination by consent, as an exception, is a decision based on the information collected by the AGCM from two parties, the Customs and Monopoly Authority (ADM) and some dealers operating in the field of collection. From AWP and VLT devices. In each case, considering all possible impacts of the acquisition, AGCM Do not initiate the investigation and do not give the green light.

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