Padua wins, Modena increasingly finds itself in crisis

Padua on the pitch with Porro, Crosato, Falaschi, Gardini, Plak, Garcia, Zenger (l.).

Modena starts the game with the sextet consisting of Bruno-Sapozhkov in the main diagonal, Juantorena-Davyskiba in the wing, Sanguinetti-Stankovic in the middle and Federici Libero.

Gardini is the best scorer for Padua with 24 points (59% attack), while for Modena Juantorena is the best scorer with 21 points (58% attack).

The beginning of the first movement was characterized by balance. In fact, in the opening moments of the set, neither team on the court seemed able to extend the lead (2:1, winning block from Plak; 3:2, winning handout from Gardini). In this phase of the set, however, the Bianconeri are able to take the lead at times: the Paduans break out to 7:5, made possible by the point from the second row by Gabi Garcia (6:5) and the winning block by captain Falaschi (7-5). In the moments that immediately follow, coach Petrella’s team manages to reach and overtake the home team, but Porro’s whistle (9:9) allows coach Cuttini’s team to return to the draw. In the middle part of the set a point-to-point trend is repeated (14-13, ace by Gabi Garcia). With the score at 18:17, the hosts managed the second break of the set after Stankovic’s service goal, but Modena soon joined in (18:19, Gabi Garcia’s lob went wide). Towards the end of the first set, the two teams on the court who are close to each other on points chase each other to be able to close the set positively (24-22, point by Gardini). The first set signed by Juventus ended 25:22.

In the second set, after a start characterized by a point-to-point trend, the Bianconeri manage to score thanks to Gardini’s winning block against Sapozhkov, the first break of the set (5:2), and coach Petrella decides the right one point in time. A phase begins in which coach Cuttini’s team manages to stay ahead, especially with possession of the ball, which makes Modena’s attempts to reduce the deficit more difficult. With the score at 11-7, a victory whistle signed by Luca Porro and Pallavolo Padova brings the Modena team within four points. In the central phase of this second set, despite the attempts of Valsa Group Modena to reverse the previous trend, the Bianconeri manage to maintain the lead (15-12, Modena’s serve goes out). With the score at 15:14, Davyskiba demands a point and coach Cuttini calls for a timeout, but the team from Padua takes the lead again until Juantorena gives Modena a point to equalize (17:17). Towards the end of the second set, Modena overtook the home team (17:18, point from Stankovic), whereupon a balanced performance began. Ace from Gardini with 24-23, and Padova also prevails in this set with 25-23.

A positive start to the third set for the Bianconeri, who managed to take the lead straight away (5:4, service goal from Rinaldi). In the moments that followed, however, Modena took the lead (5:8) and coach Cuttini took a time out. A phase of the set begins in which Modena manages to overtake Padua and advance. With the score at 7-9, Gardini blows a victory whistle and coach Cuttini’s team tries to reduce the deficit. In the middle part of the set, coach Petrella’s team, which has more possession of the ball, is ahead of the Paduans, despite the Bianconeri’s attempts to reduce the lead (9-12, victory whistle from Luca Porro). Towards the end of the third set, the hosts seem to be able to draw level with the Modena team (16-18) and coach Petrella takes a break. At 17:19, Padova comes closer thanks to Crosato’s point, but Modena manages to stay ahead, albeit just. In the final moments, Modena escaped and closed the set at 22:25.

The fourth set begins with coach Cuttini’s team, which manages to cause problems for Modena, especially with the ball. With the score at 6-3, Paduan got the first break thanks to Plak’s ace, thanks to which the Bianconeri doubled up coach Petrella’s team, which seemed unable to react and reduce the lead. In this first phase of the set, Padova stays ahead and leaves no room for Modena’s attempts to reduce the deficit. With the score at 13:8, Modena hits the block and the Bianconeri move within five points of the guests. In the middle part of this quarter, the home team, in a seemingly unstoppable trend, maintains its acquired lead (16-11, victory diagonal through Porro). At 17:15 Davyskiba has the point and coach Cuttini asks for a time out. Double touch from Gardini (17-16) and Modena gets within one. In the final phase of the set, Padova again managed, albeit easily, to advance (20:18, point by Gabi Garcia) after the Modena team had drawn (18:18). In the final moments, the Bianconeri were able to overtake Modena and close the final set 25:23, winning the game against Modena.


Davide Gardini (Volleyball Padua) – « Have fun this evening. A complicated game that we tackled well. Modena raised their level of play, they put us under pressure while serving, but in the end we won the game. We were good at staying in the game in difficult moments and when they were applying a lot of pressure and at the end waiting for them to reduce the intensity to score points ».

Osmany Juantorena (Valsa Group Modena)- “It’s a painful defeat, we’re very sorry and we apologize to the fans. “We’re working as hard as we can during the week but obviously it’s not enough. We’re in a difficult situation, I didn’t expect that, but it is what it is and that’s why we have to mentally detach ourselves and give a little more.


VOLLEYBALL PADUA – VALSA GROUP MODENA: 3-1 (25-22, 25-23, 22-25, 25-23)

PADUA VOLLEYBALL: Porro, Crosato, Falaschi, Gardini, Plak, Garcia, Zenger (l); Stefani, Desmet, Taniguchi, Zoppellari. Not registered: Truocchio, Cardenas, Fusaro (L). All. Cuttini.

VALSA GROUP MODENA: Davyskiba, Stankovic, Sapozhkov, Juantorena, Sanguinetti, Rezende, Federici (l.); Rinaldi, Sighinolfi, Brehme. Not registered: Pinali G., Pinali R., Gollini (L). All. Petrella.

Duration: 25′, 30′, 27′, 36′. Total: 118′.

Referee: Pozzato, Simbari

MVP: Davide Gardini (Volleyball Padua)

Number of visitors: 1,915


Itas Trentino 43, Sir Susa Vim Perugia 40, Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza 32, Cucine Lube Civitanova 29, Allianz Milano 26, Rana Verona 25, Mint Vero Volley Monza 25, Valsa Group Modena 19, Cisterna Volley 19, Pallavolo Padova 14, Gioiella Prisma Taranto 11, Farmitalia Catania 5.

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