Palasino: Wins for Nijjar Sukhweer and Faried Komi

Visiting the Palasino Casino Excalibur City, also in Wullowitz/Dolni Dvoriste, yesterday, November 24th, there was a €30 NLH rebuy tournament with a €5,000 prize money guarantee.

Excalibur City offers a €30 buy-in for up to 20,000 chips, starting at 15 minutes. € 5,000 guaranteed, but with 54 starters, 89 re-entries and up to 45 add-ons you reached the guaranteed amount and so after deducting the 10% fee there was € 5,076 in the pot. Actually the top 6 places were paid and waiting for the winner €1,777, after the final table you can buy a bubble deal for €1,577. Nijjar Sukhweer finally picked it up, Martin Trmal came second for €1,017.

rank Surname Prize money Act
1 Nijjar Sukhweer €1,777 €1,577
2 Trmal Martin €1,117 €1,017
3 Backnovel €761 €761
4 Lakha Mohit €558 €558
5 Musil Tomas 457€ 457€
6 Malak Antonius Melad 406€ 406€
7 Arpad Biháry 100€
8th Stupid Helmut 100€
9 Leonardo Neda 100€

At Palasino Wullowitz you can purchase the buy-in of up to €30 and the prize money guarantee of €5,000. 47 players bought in, with 55 rebuys and 26 add-ons they didn’t reach the guaranteed amount. After deducting the 10% fee, €4,500 was paid in the pot for the first 6 places. Faried Komi took the win and was happy with €1,575.

rank Surname Prize money
1 Faried Komi €1,575
2 Muslum Kiriklar 990€
3 Jan Simusak 675€
4 Robert Stadlbauer 495€
5 Manfred Opaska 405€
6 Lukáš Papousek 360€

There is also now a €40 NLH Rebuy tournament taking place in Excalibur City, €6,000 guaranteed. The cash games start from just 1/3 NLH or €2/2 PLO (minimum purchase price €100). Information about what is on offer in the Palasino Casinos can be found on the website or on the Palasino Poker Facebook page.

The tournaments at Palasino Excalibur City:

The tournaments in the Palasino Wullowitz:

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