Prisma investigations take longer, but Juve are not at risk: all the details

There Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office In the last few hours he has put his foot on the accelerator. And so, the day after the announcement of the conclusion of the investigation into the investigation prism moved to the capital of TurinProsecutors announced yesterday the start of an investigation into the company’s financial reports Juventus until June 30, 2022. A kind of appendix to the work of the last two and a half months. The Roman Forum was in fact only questioned in Juventus’ bill on September 6 last year, when the judges of the Court of Cassation They had declared Turin to have no jurisdiction in this matter. Based on this decision, the Turin prosecutor’s office had forwarded the huge amount of documents submitted – more or less twenty thousand pages – to their counterparts in the Capitol, who processed all the documents. In addition, we ask that you receive further documents on the current budget at the beginning of December.