Top-up cash to gaming accounts: a corporate conflict

The decree on the reregulation of the online gaming industry has been postponed due to discussion of a proposed ban on using cash to top up gaming accounts at physical outlets such as tobacconists.

Top-up to game account: yes or no to cash?

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Games realignment: There’s a debate over the use of cash

It seemed that the long-awaited moment had come for the decree on the reorganization of the gaming industry, at least for the online sector, but instead another delay came. This time, the reasons for this new postponement probably include the strong debate that flared up between the Confesercenti and the Government, especially with Giancarlo Giorgetti’s MEF. The reason for the disagreement is ban on using cash To add money to your game accounts.

In fact, there was a rule in the draft decree as follows:exclusive use of electronic payment instruments for top-ups number of gaming accounts at physical points of sale. Tobacco dealers and all other authorized businesses fall into this category. According to Confesercenti, such a ban would mainly have negative effects on the integration process between online operators and the retail network.

Moreover, again according to Confesercenti, greater traceability is a false issue, as current rules require the identity of the player to be identified through an identification document and then Giving a PIN code is combined with the add value. Therefore, tracking is already guaranteed even in case of cash payment. But the critical issues do not end there.

How does traceability help legal gambling?

The Meloni Government, which took office a few months ago, increased the cash ceiling again at the end of 2022. We bring it back to €5,000. In principle, such a measure seems to be contradicts the previously mentioned prohibitionRegarding the exclusion of cash from payment methods for loading gaming accounts at PVR and other entities.

Confesercenti believes that the ban contains a deep contradiction. By preventing cash top-ups, the omnichannel process, which has been going on for a while and aims to redistribute the value produced by the online sector among physical sales points, will be effectively prevented. An indirect consequence of this can be represented as follows: Directing users to illegal gamesis not a candidate by definition.

Finally, there is one more point that Confesercenti insists on in his effort to persuade the Government and MEF to lift the ban once and for all. According to the association, the suspension of cash would constitute a clear contradiction with a rule already included in the Budget Law, namely the possibility of real ATMs offered to tobacco sellers and merchants, allowing customers to make payments. Withdrawal via POS.

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