Big Brother, VIP or NIP? Favorites and odds of the 17th edition

From controversial walker and Olympic champion Alex Schwazer to butcher Paolo Masella, from journalist Giampiero Mughini to doorman Giuseppe Garibaldi: GF 2023 sees an unprecedented cast mixed between VIPs and NIPs, ordinary people.

Big Brother 17: VIP and NIP heroes

Big Brother 2023: favorites

Big Brother delivers for the first time since it was brought to Italy (year 2000) An edition with a mixed cast: Besides VIPs or people deemed to be VIPs, there are also ordinary people identified by the acronym NIP (Not Important Person). A total of 24 contestants took part in this seventeenth edition of the reality show, also hosted by Alfonso Signorini.

The character that interests us most in this GF 17 is undoubtedly Alex Schwazer, former Olympic champion He later became famous for the doping incident that concerned him. However, South Tyrol does not look very comfortable within the walls of the house and with the cameras constantly on him. In fact, if we look at SNAI’s betting odds on GF, he is not among the favorites for the final victory, he is an outsider at 15.

So who are the favorites? At the time of writing, 19 contestants are still competing, including three new entrants, including journalist and author Giampiero Mughini, entrepreneur Mirko Brunetti, and personal trainer and TV presenter Jill Cooper. My favorite right now actress Beatrice Luzzia real star in the first 5 weeks of shows: SNAI predicts his victory at 2.25.

GF between escapes, dramas and past glories

In such a special edition of Big Brother, one wonders whether the winner will be VIP or NIP. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime Giuseppe Garibaldi of CalabriaDivided between the professions of doorman and bartender and given by SNAI among the favorites at 5.00. There’s nothing to do instead Heidi Baci is sensationally shot in the last episode.

There are two more UUPs with good credentials for final victory Giselda Torresan and Vittorio Menozzi. The first, a thirty-three-year-old former worker from Venice, is currently impressive and third favorite at 6.00 according to SNAI. The second one is Parma’s 2002 model and its price is 8.00. Vittorio had approached Heidi before she decided to leave the house.

One of the reasons for Heidi’s farewell is the 47-year-old actor Massimiliano Varrese, who was a bit oppressive towards her. The debut of the girl, who is among the foreigners ranked 33rd, certainly does not help her. We note the presence of a sixty-year-old Venezuelan TV actress among the VIPs. Greece Colmenares (height 15) and sixty-seven-year-old singer Fiordaliso, a possible surprise at 25.

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