current and future goals of the association

In recent days a mid-season press conference was held at the “Piero De Paoli” stadium in Chieri. PSG football: an opportunity to take stock of the past, 2023, and the present and future, 2024. present on Mayor of the city, Alessandro Sicchiero And Roberto Quattrocolo, Deputy mayor and sports councilor of the municipality of Chieri. In addition to the entire club staff: the President of PSG Calcio, Maximum Maida, who opened the press conference; the new Operations Director, Massimo Bongiovanni, newly appointed; the first team coach Massimiliano Frattolillo; the new technical director, Maurizio Calamita; Nunzio Sinopoli, sports director of the first team and U19; Armando Iattoni, youth sports director; Gian Luca Rubin, Head of the youth sector; the new head of the elite football school, Teo Spinelli; the technical director of the Elite Football School, Andrea Rosa and the contact person of the Elite Football School, Francesco Ravina.