New predictions for online retailers

Waiting continues for the reorganization decree law regarding online games and the tender for the new concessions related to it. Here are the new predictions for the near future of the industry.

Online gaming: possible new figures in the industry

Reorganization of games and new concessions: possible predictions

Expectations are increasing for the now famous tender announcement that will determine the price of the tender. new concessions regarding online games. Meanwhile, after the Meloni Government rewrote the rules by decree and set the guidelines for the long-awaited reorganization of the gaming industry, predictions and studies are pouring in regarding the possible new physiognomy of the public gaming industry.

Some experts have recently stated that around 40 operators would be ready to compete for the concession at an almost certain price of 7 million euros each. However, consultant Ficom Leisure’s predictions are quite different from previous ones: 22 to 27 companies can gain privileges.

According to Ficom Leisure’s assessment, the State will receive a figure between 154 and 189 million euros from the tender, not the previously assumed 300 million dollars. Instead, there will be at least 50 operators at risk of being left out of the next online gaming market. According to analysis by CGIA and As.Tro, We currently have 83 dealers: 53 Italian and 30 foreign subjects.

Reorganization of the gaming industry: what happens now

So, beyond the differences between the various predictions, it now seems almost certain that the future of legal public gaming in Italy will be reserved for a much smaller number of franchisees than the current one, at least for the online sector. But for the Meloni Government this will be the basis keep income unchangedas it turns out possible MEF strategies.

If all this is true, and there is no reason to think otherwise, the gaming industry will continue to be vital to funding this Executive’s priorities, such as the tax cuts he is already known for. After all, it almost always records double-digit growth rates and again according to CGIA estimates; Employs 4395 people in Italy.

What will happen now? After the decree law regarding online regulation receives the approval of the Council of Ministers, consultation with public gaming industry. The government has its priorities (primarily protecting income and public health), but companies need certainty when planning their investments and strategies. From now on, the same situation will be valid for the retail sector.

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