odds errors and still critical issues with bonuses

The technical table gathered at the headquarters of ADM – Customs and Monopolies last July 31st was to discuss some unresolved issues such as odds errors and betting bonuses.

WMD: draft bonus guidelines

Odds bugs and bonuses: still critical issues

There was great anticipation between ADM itself and the various public voting concessionaires for Italy regarding the meeting scheduled for 31 July at the Customs and Monopolies Office in Rome. The technical desk was tasked with gathering opinions on very important issues that remained pending, or rather, awaiting regulatory solutions. We’re talking about quota failure situations, but also Arrangement of betting bonuses.

Of the 93 dealers, 16 were present at the meeting, few but enough to raise some critical issues, as well as the inevitable discussions of excluded dealers. In any event, ADM provided the franchisees with a draft containing two directorial decisions, which included: possible directions for the two problems: odds error and bonus discipline.

As for bonus discipline, ADM’s recommendation is to recognize the three types: full payoff bonus, reduced payout bonus and bonus payout bonus. Given that they were previously prohibited (only fun bonuses were allowed), and also that Sogei does not have a protocol that separates real money bets from bets with bonuses, the suspicions of the dealers are mainly related to this last point.

Criticality also in the management of quota errors

The second draft of the decision was delivered to the dealers during the technical table and signed by the coach. new ADM director Roberto Alesse, relates to cases of dimensional errors where the need for a particular discipline has arisen for some time. ADM will execute itself calculating the weighted average value numerator referring to the same result.

There are two ventilated options: Bets with less than 20 outcomesIf the quota transmitted by the licensee is greater than or equal to the weighted average value multiplied by 2, ADM will acknowledge the error; For bets with 20 or more outcomes, ADM will confirm the error in front of an odd number equal to or greater than the weighted average, but multiplied by 4.

Operators are now month to evaluate drafts and offer their suggestions. Of course, there are still points that are far from the solution. In the case of bonus discipline, bonus payout limits do not take into account the fact that a trader can end a month with a loss. However, for the numerator error, strong doubts remain about the determination of the weighted average numerator.

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