The story of Alessia Maurelli, gymnast writer

The extraordinary athletes of blue gymnastics, which has now become the brand of elegance and lightness in Italy, are famous under the name “Butterflies”. And this girl from Rivoli, always inventing new challenges, is their captain.

High flying butterfly, the story of Alessia Maurelli

Alessia Maurelli, among the “big girls” of rhythmic gymnastics, made her debut in 2014 when she was only seventeen years old. Today he is 27 years old, and meanwhile his trophy cabinet is full of outstanding achievements, a collection of more than a hundred medals and podiums, and includes, among other things, twenty-nine rankings. One of the top three in the most prestigious competitionsOlympics, World Championships and European Championships.

But the great sporting merit of this Piedmontese girl can be counted not only by adults. achievements he managed to achieve both as an individual gymnast and as captain of the Butterflies. What really makes the difference when you think of Alessia Maurelli is her extraordinary ability to expand the universe of Italian rhythmic gymnastics exponentially.

Story by Alessia Maurelli

Alessia Maurelli’s story

In fact, since his arrival at the higher levels, Maurelli has made a significant contribution to what can be categorized as: Real boom in gymnastics in ItalyThanks to his success, he finds continuity of results over time for the first time in the history of the sport.

Alessia Maurelli, that is. Part of the Air Force group, was appointed captain of the Butterflies on the heels of a fourth-place finish at Rio 2016, where the girls missed out on the podium, which Belarus conquered by a handful of hundreds. Although he was aware from the start of the difficulty of the role, the first airman selected led the team with an all-natural charisma, also thanks to the absolute trust placed in him. Emanuela Maccarani, technical commissioner of the Butterflies since 1996he recognized them immediately.

For Alessia, being a Farfalla has become much more than a sporting phenomenon. Everyone is coming together in Italy today rhythmic movements of blue gymnasts This name, given for one of the most delicate creatures in nature, comes from the coordination of movements of five Italian girls, which sometimes makes it seem as if they are actually flying rather than an exercise.

Now for AlessiaThe sporting target is clear: Paris 2024 Olympics. Maurelli and his teammates, who qualified with the results obtained at the 2023 World Championships in Seville, had to sweat by placing fourth in the transition to the games they will go to to protect the bronze medal at Tokyo 2020. Even a new tattoo can be made if a medal is made from French clay. In fact, Maurelli is passionate about tattoos, which are often linked to his sporting achievements. He has five Olympic rings on the back of his neck, and a butterfly and the word “warrior” on his right arm.

Maurelli, from gymnastics to writing

One of the characteristics that revealed Alessia Maurelli as a versatile character that stood out outside the world of sports was her writing. The blue captain declared several times passion for journalism and that’s why he’s studying Corporate Communications at university, with the aim of continuing to develop his unique voice in personal and sporting stories.

Precisely this passion for writing led him to write two books between one study and another: “Fly like a butterfly” is a novel written in collaboration with Giovanni Seltralia and published as a steam series by the publisher Piemme in Il battello. which had great success and where the story was told. Rhythmic gymnastics through the eyes of a little girlVictoria.

The book, which is partly autobiographical, is important because, on the one hand, it a girl’s generation story On the other hand, it tells about his life as a teenager because it subtly introduces the theme of how difficult it is to play high-level sports when you are still very young and emphasizes the sacrifices and uncertainties of this path.

The huge sales success led to the opening of the second page of Vittoria’s saga and her life in rhythmic gymnastics in her youth. Scratching like a tigerAgain published by Piemme and again written with Giovanni Seltralia. And within the pages, Alessia Maurelli’s full determination comes through clearly.

Between the lines the gymnast does not hide his admiration for one of the most successful Italian sports cars Federica Pellegrini is a bit of a model for all the girls who dedicate themselves to high-level sport with Italy and the Italian national team.

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