European-North American agreement to regulate gambling

Europe and North America are two complex and extremely different continents, but they both have common interests in regulating the gambling market. Thus, the two main trade unions are signing an important partnership agreement.

Europe and North America unite for gambling

Chips and dice, GREF and NAGRA logo

GREF and NAGRA together for the gaming industry

GREF (Gambling Regulators European Forum) and NAGRA (North American Gaming Regulators Association) are two acronyms that may not be known to most of you. But if you are passionate about gambling and betting, know that there are associations and forums gathering around you. 100 gaming authorities and regulatory bodies, from many states. Recently GREF and NAGRA decided to join forces.

The aim is to share experience and knowledge as much as possible among all authorities in order to improve market conditions, foresee possible trends, provide the right protections to keep the gambling industry a virtuous and healthy industry. So there is no point in hiding this: This agreement also has the aim of preventing increases public concerns.

An excessive supply of games can lead to unpleasant and sometimes devastating social consequences; That’s why European and North American regulatory authorities decided to create a system to better cope with future challenges. The partnership will include the organization of joint meetings, invitations to each other’s annual conferences and the planning of seminars to discuss the topic. regulatory and consumer protection issues.

Future challenges of the gaming industry

Each country has its own characteristics, so the physiognomy of the various regulated markets may vary in some respects, but there are also many other commonalities. And ultimately, this is the main reason why the industry forums of two major continents decided to sit at the same table. For example, we are working on a project in Italy. Major reform in the gaming industry.

Consider ADM’s work to connect the needs of operators with the needs of the Meloni Government, which wants to protect the industry’s revenue. a series of better protectionespecially for minors and sensitive subjects. Speaking of which, they arrived recently rules like parental controls Released by AGCOM, and despite some challenges, it will be a positive turning point.

On the other hand, the word “regulation” implies the need for change and adapt to changing conditions, society and market. NAGRA President Ryan Winfield and GREF President Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin are fully aware of this and have actually expressed their satisfaction and certainty that this exchange of information will benefit the entire industry and industry enthusiasts.

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