European Regulators Forum: new president of Falque-Pierrotin

The European Forum of Game Regulators has elected its new president at its annual conference this year in Bergen, Norway. ANJ representative is French Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin.

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, new president of GREF

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, new president of GREF

called European Forum of Game Editors, its abbreviation is GREF, and it describes a body that brings together representatives of all the main regulatory bodies of public gambling in various European countries. GREF recently met in Bergen, Norway, where the annual conference was held from June 5-7, which simply elects the new president.

new, indeed, new president Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, ANJ’s French representative is elected by the general assembly together with the board of directors. The latter will be formed by Anders Dorph (Spillemyndighedens) as vice chair, Tim Miller (UKGC) as treasurer, Sarah Kelly (Alderney Gambling Control Commission) as secretary, and other members Magali Clavie (Belgian Gaming Commission), Atle Hamar (Lottstift) and Kinga Warda (Maltese Gaming authority).

Both the Governing Council and the President will have a two-year mandate with many challenges facing GREF. The priority, which was also confirmed at the annual conference, strengthen cooperation between various regulatorsAlong with issues crucial to the industry, from player protection to adaptations, technological innovations and tackling illegal offers.

New challenges like European game and phygital

Falque-Pierrotin has months of hard work ahead of his new assignment, which we will have his first assessment at with the new annual conference to be held this time in Malta in May 2024. The President emphasized innovation and challengesand between them it is impossible not to mention the so-called physicallya phenomenon that also gains ground in the field of play.

A fusion between the terms “physical” and “digital”, phygital translates to real money public play, a proliferation of PVR rooms with highly advanced terminals that allow the player to play. top up online game accounts as well as cash withdrawal, a series of personalized experiences with the help of artificial intelligence.

The phygital in the game is obviously not a bad thing, but like all innovations it suffers from gray areas and possible border situations, also due to the curbing of possible tax evasion. Finances are another central issue. Trying to harmonize among the various countries, for which GREF will have to take responsibility, is a difficult but worthy goal to pursue.

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