New offside rules that FIFA is working on

Arsène Wenger is rethinking the offside rule at the request of FIFA. The idea gives rise to conflicting views, but in the meantime a change needs to be made. Let’s see what proposals are being worked on.

How did the idea of ​​changing the offside rule come about?

In November 2019, 74-year-old Arsène Wenger was appointed director of global football development at FIFA. The idea of ​​Wenger having this kind of managerial role after 22 years on the Arsenal bench is linked to this intention: Works at football world From a broader perspective, with the aim of working on the growth of the game in each part of it.

From this perspective, who is better? a successful coachAre you among the most respected names in football worldwide and have a deep knowledge of every dynamic of the game? Wenger has literally devoted his life to football and so it is no surprise that in this new role he was quick to consider making revolutionary changes without affecting the spirit of the game.

FIFA, possible new rule on offside

So what is your experimental idea to change the offside rule? The basis for this is really simple: if the rule is confirmed in the future, a player will be considered offside just his whole bodyand not just part of it, it will be beyond the so-called offside line. Therefore, to be considered officially in a normal position, it will be considered sufficient to have one leg, one arm or part of the head ‘in play’.

Clearly, the change will be groundbreaking. In an age where people look at centimeters of the hand or foot to determine the regularity of a goal, especially with the introduction of VAR, this The type of evolution will lead to radical change Tactical and technical management by players and coaches.

For this very reason, the possibility of introducing this new rule creates a huge debate among both enthusiasts and professionals. According to information obtained from different surveys conducted in different European countries, fans generally Supporter of changing the offside ruleI’m convinced this will be a change that will create goals and fun.

However, there is no certainty regarding its actual application. Trials started in April 2022 In the Italian U18 ChampionshipFor men under 21, for women under 19 in Sweden and under 20 in the Netherlands. FIFA observers draw attention and consider what follows from the results of existing championships to verify the effects of the new provisions: a new update is expected at the end of this season.

What will change with the new rule: doubts and predictions

An internal FIFA investigation in 2020 showed that 50% of goals disallowed over the last fifteen years under the current offside rule would be counted as valid, with changes currently being considered. This is certainly not a surprise, given that the new rule aims to do exactly that. Give attackers more space and therefore giving them more chances to score goals. More attractive football, many more goals and, in theory, a more entertaining spectacle: these are the goals of FIFA’s development.

So the first question to ask from a philosophical perspective is whether scoring more goals during a match is actually a way to make football more attractive and spectacular. This is actually the opinion of experts, but many think it does not necessarily mean making life easier for attackers increase fun and entertainment.

What is certain is that the offside rule has always had a fundamental impact on the development of tactics. In this respect, Arrigo Sacchi’s Milan was one of the first teams to decide. adjusting the defensive approach to the suffocating use of high defense: The image of Baresi raising his arm has now become an indelible icon of world football.

The current regulation is undoubtedly in favor of defenders, but it is also true that this is the basis of the current rule. coaches formed long and short teams and today the strongest defenders are considered the fastest, able to cover a large part of the field when an attacker runs from behind.

In short, the tactical settings developed based on the offside rule that exists today, from Manchester City to Barcelona, ​​Milan, Bayern and all the big clubs of Europe, They allow you to have a very aggressive approach. Therefore, the suspicion that the new rule being studied can guarantee more entertainment is absolutely legitimate.

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