Gaming and betting are a steady boom in the US: 2023 record?

The legal gaming market in the United States experienced strong growth for the eleventh consecutive quarter. Both the online industry and real casinos are booming: let’s look at the numbers and look at possible explanations.

USA: Gambling boom and record income

USA flag, cards and chips

Gambling boom in the USA

Data published by the AGA (American Gaming Association) says this in a way that couldn’t be clearer: The United States is experiencing a crisis. real gambling boom, in all its branches. Specifically, the third quarter of 2023 was the eleventh consecutive quarter of U.S. movement revenue growth. It’s also the best third quarter ever.

Revenues remained stable during the said period (July, August and September 2023) $16.17 billionThis corresponds to approximately 15 billion euros at the current exchange rate. This represents an annual increase of 6.1%. But overall, since the post-Covid period, the industry’s revenues have shown steady growth across key verticals such as brick-and-mortar casinos and online gaming.

In 17 of the 33 gaming regions operating in the federal district, revenues increased compared to the third quarter of the previous year. Five of them achieved new record performances, which is not surprising to see among them. Nevada and New Jersey are always the two largest commercial gaming markets In the United States.

Why are games flying in the US today?

The reasons for this explosion are many and a few pages are not enough to explain them. Technically this is how it happened: Overcoming UIGEAA law that went into effect in 2006 effectively banning online gaming across the United States. Among the main supporters of this law were: Mongolian Sheldon AdelsonCEO of Las Vegas Sands and a major competitor of online gaming.

In fact, for quite some time, the land-based casino lobby opposed remote gaming, and this exclusion continued for many years, including US professional sports. But everything changed with Covid and Adelson’s hard line was losing steam even before his death in January 2021 at age 87.

Interesting figures started to emerge in national markets. As a result, significant taxes were paid to the treasury. This last argument persuaded other states to follow the path taken by Nevada and New Jersey until today’s surge. Even sports have now relaxed the ban: It’s no coincidence that Las Vegas has had its own NHL franchise for several years, and perhaps soon the NBA will have one as well.

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